Review & Rate Applications

This article relates to the Wrkplace Recruitment module.


  • Add Job Vacancy 🔗

You can review each job application directly in the Recruitment module, and rate and manage each application.

You can also notify the applicant upon starting to review their application, or upon recording the applicant as being unsuccessful for the role.

Here’s how to review, rate and manage each application.

  • Navigate to Recruitment > Applicants
  • Apply filters if necessary
  • Click on the View Application action icon for any application
  • Review applicant details, applicant’s message and any CV or cover letter the applicant has submitted
  • If the applicant has emailed a CV or Cover letter separately, upload those files
  • Update the Application Stage from New (default) to: Review > Interview > Shortlist > References. Or you can record an applicant as being Unsuccessful in their application.
  • Record an Application Rating, representing their suitability for the role they have applied for.

If you update the Application Stage to Review, you can easily notify the applicant that you have received their application and are currently reviewing.

This is a pre-drafted email template which you can modify if you wish, prior to send the email.

If you update the Application Stage to Unsuccessful, you can easily notify the applicant that he/she is unsuccessful.

This is a pre-drafted email template which you can modify if you wish, prior to send the email.

Add Job Vacancy

This article relates to the Wrkplace Recruitment module.


  • Add Awards & Award Classifications 🔗
  • Add Positions 🔗

As an employer, you can add job adverts for any position you have entered into Wrkplace.

You can then immediately copy the URL to the unique landing page created for your job vacancy, and share on your website, social media and job boards, or via email or text message. Start attracting applicants in minutes!

Here’s how to add a job vacancy.

  • Go to Recruitment > Jobs
  • Click the Add Job button
  • Enter relevant details about the job vacancy

You must have the Position already created in Configure > Positions.

Wrkplace automatically generates a Job Landing Page, ready to share publicly and attract applicants online.

View the Job Landing Page then copy the URL and share on your website, social media, email or text message.

Applicants wishing to apply for a job can apply online via the application form on this Job Landing page.

Applicants then appear in Wrkplace for you to review and rate. You will also receive an email alert.

❗️ Contact us to confirm the email address you would like these new applicant notifications to be sent to.

You can also advertise your job vacancy on your website and our Jobs Page, for free. Learn How.

Once the job vacancy is saved, click the ‘eye’ icon to view the automated Job Landing Page (with online application form). Copy the Job Landing Page URL and share widely on social media or via email and text.

Send Email or SMS

This article relates to the Wrkplace Attendance module.

You can send any Employee, Contractor, Visitor or Delivery contact an email or SMS from the People screen.

Select a person or people from the People screen, then click Send Email or Send SMS.

You may also send any Attendee an email or SMS from the Attendance History screen.

Again, select an attendee or attendees, then click Send Email or Send SMS.

View Attendance History

This article applies to the Wrkplace Attendance module.

You can quickly view all attendance history, filtering the data if necessary, and then export.

On occasions you will also need to edit an attendee’s history – typically their sign in or their sign out time.

Here’s how to view attendance history

  • Navigate to Attendance > History
  • On every attendance record, click the View action icon

On each attendance history record you can view attendee details, time in and time out, answers to health screening questions and notices, and the exact location the attendee at the time of sign in/out (via Google Maps).

Here’s how to edit an attendance record.

  • Navigate to Attendance > History
  • Locate the attendance record you need to edit, using the filters if necessary.
  • Click Edit in the Actions column

Here’s how to export attendance history.

  • Navigate to Attendance > History
  • Filter attendance history as required
  • Click Export to PDF, Export to CSV or Export to Payroll

The Export the Payroll option exports data to a CSV file as well, but groups all attendance data by:

  • Attendee Type
  • Attendee Name
  • Shift
  • Day
  • Period (time period as selected in the filter)

Sign In or Sign Out someone

This article applies to the Wrkplace Attendance module.

On occasions, an attendee may not have a smart device or may have forgotten to scan a QR code to record their entry into your workplace. Or they have forgotten to sign out upon departing your workplace.

Here’s how to sign someone in at the time of entry or afterward.

  • Navigate to Attendance > Who’s In
  • Click Sign In Someone in the top right hand corner of the screen
  • Complete relevant details, including identifying the attendee type
  • If the attendee type is an Employee or Contractor, select their name from the list of authorised Employees and Contractors.

Here’s how to sign someone out at the time of departure or afterward.

  • Navigate to Attendance > Who’s In
  • Find the relevant attendance record, using the filters if required
  • Edit the attendance record

Print Sign In Poster

This article applies to the Wrkplace Attendance module.

To allow employees, contractors, visitors and delivery drivers to effortlessly sign-in and out of your workplace, print an A4 Sign-In Poster complete with QR code.

This QR code can be scanned by each attendee to your workplace, by their mobile phone camera or QR code reader.

Each Place (site) you have configured in Places is assigned a unique QR code and sign in poster.

Attendees do not have to use a QR code reader on their mobile device. Smartphones no older than 2016 (approximately) can generally scan QR codes using the camera function.

Upon scanning a QR code, the unique sign in screen displays in the attendee’s default browser on their mobile device.

Here is how to print your sign in poster for each Place you have configured.

  • Navigate to Configure > Places
  • View the QR Code sign in poster by clicking the view (eye) icon for each Place you have configured
  • Click Print to open your computer’s default print function.
  • From there you can print or (on most computer operating systems) save as a PDF for later use.

Print as many sign in posters as desired to ensure they are conveniently displayed to all attendees at all relevant entry and exit points, and any congregational areas such as an office or tack room.

You may also wish to print a helpful Sign In Instructions poster for your employees.

Configure Confirmations

This article applies to the Wrkplace Attendance module.

Wrkplace Attendance can display a confirmation message to specified attendees upon successful sign in or sign out of specified Places (sites).

These confirmation messages are great to share important information to your attendees, especially staff members.

Unlike Notices, however, there is no response required from attendees.

You can choose to display a notice upon an attendee successfully signing in or upon signing out. Or choose to not display any at all.

Display gate entry codes, upcoming runners in the stable, staff meetings or a list of horses who are unwell, when employees sign in.

Perhaps display a link to your website to join your mailing list, when visitors sign out.

Here is how to configure confirmation messages.

  • Navigate to Attendance Manager > Confirmations
  • Click Add Confirmation in the top right hand corner of the screen
  • Select the Place(s) (sites) where you wish this confirmation message to display
  • Select the Attendee Type(s) to whom to display this confirmation message
  • Specify whether this messages should display upon attendee sign in or sign out
  • Enter the confirmation message content

Add, modify or delete confirmations and tailor them to each attendee type and/or each site, as required.

Configure Notices

This article applies to the Wrkplace Attendance module.

Wrkplace Attendance allows you to present safety or other notices of any kind on the attendee’s device when they are signing in to your workplace.

These notices appear after the Health Screening question(s) are displayed, and only if the attendee’s response to those questions (yes or no) is acceptable to allow them to enter your workplace.

These notices can be tailored to each attendee type and workplace (site).

Multiple notices can be displayed on attendee devices. Attendees will have to review each notice and respond with either Accept or Reject, on each notice.

Notices are optional.

Here is how to configure notices.

  • Navigate to Attendance Manager > Notices
  • Select Add Notices in the top right hand corner of the screen
  • Select the Place(s) (sites) where this notice will be displayed
  • Select the Attendee Type(s) to whom this notice will display
  • Enter the Notice Subject to display on the attendees device
  • Enter the Notice Content to display on the attendee’s device

Add, edit or delete any notice to display on attendee devices.