Get legally-binding signatures 80% faster for 10% of the effort

  • Faster than paper

    Configure templates and automate pre-filling of those templates and sending for eSignature.

    Automated follow-ups and easy workflows ensure faster time to signature.

  • Easy and intuitive

    Our automations are configured for you. You just need to learn how to upload your templates.

    Simplify signing for everyone, tech-savvy or not.

  • Legally binding

    Protect all parties by keeping private information safe and secure.

    Audit trails and digital thumb prints provide proof of document access, review, and signature.

  • Secure and reliable

    Safely request signatures for your most important documents and remove the paper from the paperwork.


  • Done for you

    There is no need to subscribe to any third party eSignature service. We do all the work for you to establish your own Dropbox Sign account with your branding, and all the required automations.

  • Cost effective

    Our eSignature partner, Dropbox Sign, is a leading signature platform offering reliable and cost-effective eSignature requests via API. We charge per signature request – no fixed fees.

  • Easy

    We train you how to upload your document as a template and drag-and-drop text boxes, drop down lists, radio buttons and signature boxes into the template where you want your signer to action.

  • Automated

    Configure documents to be automatically sent for eSignature upon key activities in your Bloodstock Manager app or Keap CRM (e.g. share purchase request).

  • Great Support

    Apart from free and regular updates, we are always ready to help you.

Build efficiency into your workflows

Trusted by dozens of document senders and signers in the Australian thoroughbred industry, with more than 6000 eSignatures per year

Pricing (AUD ex GST)

$5 per signature request

Annual plans available to access lower fees

Request more information about any of our solutions

A subscription to either of our sales and marketing solutions – Bloodstock Manager or CRM – is required for eSignatures.

Learn about our sales and marketing solutions