Foster a safer workplace with inclusive, skilled and motivated teams

  • Record

    Digitally record Workplaces, Positions and Awards

    Securely record employee personal details, emergency contacts, notes and payroll data

    Sync with Xero and Prism [Coming Soon]

  • Communicate

    Email and SMS employees and contractors, in bulk or one-to-one

  • Resource

    Store employee documents

    Store documented policies in an online resource library [Coming Soon]

    Buy document templates from employment law an OH&S partners [Coming Soon]

  • Remind

    Add reminders for key HR activities and licence renewals [Coming Soon]

  • Report

    Regularly appraise employee skills & performance

    Digitally record details of staff meetings and 1 on 1 meetings

    Report safety incidents and near-misses

    [Coming Soon]

Learn about Recruitment features


Choose a suitable plan depending on your business needs and likely number of active employees.

Price per month (AUD ex GST)


Free forever
Professionally advertise job vacancies to your website & social media
Unlimited job vacancies
Record workplaces, positions & awards
Post unlimited job vacancies to website & social media
1 active job vacancy on Wrkplace & partner job boards
Setup your free account
Digitise employee records and timesheets. Safely welcome visitors.
Max 10 Active Employees. Add 10 active employees for $20.
Record workplaces, positions & awards
Post unlimited job vacancies to website & social media
1 active job vacancy on Wrkplace & partner job boards
Record employee details, emergency contacts, employment history & documents
Email & SMS employees & contractors (multiple or 1:1)
Unlimited employee, contractor & visitor sign ins with GPS location
Time & Attendance reporting (hours by shift, day & period)
Bulk email & SMS attendees
Eliminate repetitive HR work and save hours when hiring staff.
Max 10 Active Employees. Add 10 active employees for $20.
Record workplaces, positions & awards
Post unlimited job vacancies to website & social media
Unlimited job vacancies on Wrkplace & partner job boards
Record employee details, emergency contacts, employment history & documents
Email & SMS employees & contractors (multiple or 1:1)
Review & rate job applicants and record notes
Automate email notifications to applicants
Maintain a pool of applicants
Email & SMS applicants (multiple or 1:1)
Automatically add successful applicants as employees
Save document templates & automate 10 e-Signature requests p.m.
Professional HR
All attendance and recruitment features in one cost-effective package.
Max 10 Active Employees. Add 10 active employees for $20.
Record workplaces, positions & awards
Post unlimited job vacancies to website & social media
Unlimited job vacancies on Wrkplace & partner job boards
Record employee details, emergency contacts, employment history & documents
Email & SMS employees & contractors(multiple or 1:1)
Unlimited employee, contractor & visitor sign ins with geolocation tracking
Time & Attendance reporting (hours by shift, day & period)
Email & SMS attendees (multiple or 1:1)
Review & rate job applicants and record notes
Automate email notifications to Applicants
Maintain a pool of applicants
Email & SMS applicants (multiple or 1:1)
Automatically add successful applicants as employees
Save document templates & automate 10 e-Signature requests p.m.


Additional e-Signature requests charged at $5 per request at end of each month.

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