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Keap Landing Page Builder

In 2021, Keap launched a new Landing Page builder. There were a few limitations in this early release, but I’m pleased to say that almost all of those limitations have been resolved.

Start using this new builder ASAP and stop using the old landing page builder in Keap Automations.

Update: Keap have commenced charging for the old Landing Page Builder that is in Automations, from February 2024. So we need to transition ALL old landing pages to the new Landing Page Builder. Please request assistance if you need some help.

What limitations of the new landing page builder have now been resolved ?

Contact details such as First Name, Last Name, Email Address and other fields, will now automatically populate in forms when you share the landing page URL to your contacts via a Keap Email Broadcast or Email Automation. This improves the experience for your contacts when completing landing page forms.

Tags can now been applied to contacts when they submit a form.

Are there any remaining limitations of the new landing page builder?

Like any system change, there are always some negatives. A few minor features are no longer available, such as the ability to easily display an icon on a landing page. But that is easily overcome by displaying images instead (e.g. download your preferred icons from font awesome or somewhere similar, and insert as an image).

The positives of the new landing page builder certainly outweigh the negatives, I am sure you will agree. It offers much more functionality to refine the layout of your landing pages.

The new landing page builder is almost identical to the new email builder discussed in this article. This reduces the time needed to learn how to build email broadcasts and landing pages.

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